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Saturday, 17 September 2011

OPM Larang Keras Pelaksanaan Kongres Papua III

PMNews, Sabtu, 17 September 2011 23:25

Selpius : Apapun Terjadi Kongres Jalan

JAYAPURA – Organisasi Papua Merdeka kembali melarang keras seluruh bentuk dialog, kongres maupun musyawarah besar yang melibatkan rakyat Papua dalam membicarakan persoalan di bumi cenderawasih. OPM berpendapat, kemerdekaan bangsa Papua diperkirakan akan terjadi diakhir tahun 2011 atau pertengahan 2012 mendatang. “OPM memprediksikan kemerdekaan akan terjadi tidak lama lagi, jadi semua mohon bersabar dan tenang,” kata Lambert Pekikir, Koordinator Umum OPM di Jayapura, Kamis (15/9) malam. Ia mengatakan, kemerdekaan bangsa Papua Barat telah diatur oleh mekanisme internasional sesuai dengan keputusan sidang tanggal 2 Agustus 2011 di London, Inggris. “Semua berkas keputusan tanggal 2 Agustus juga sudah diserahkan pada Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono secara resmi oleh badan hukum internasional untuk Papua, ILWP,” ujarnya.

International Lawyer for West Papua (ILWP) kata dia, dibackup oleh 50 ahli hukum dunia. “Proses ini bahkan telah ditangani langsung oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), ini sesuai dengan pernyataan dari Sekjen PBB pada tanggal tujuh di New Zealand,” katanya.

Oleh sebab itu lanjutnya, Markas besar OPM/TPN memerintahkan pada seluruh pertahanan komando sesuai dengan instruksi dari kantor pusat OPM, agar tidak boleh melakukan aksi penembakan, aksi brutal, aksi sabotase dan tindakan dalam bentuk apapun. “Yang kedua, kepada seluruh elemen pergerakan di tanah Papua, untuk tidak boleh melakukan keputusan-keputusan apapun lewat forum-forum, semua sabar, menanti, menunggu apa yang akan diambil oleh PBB, itu termasuk kongres Papua tiga, KTT dan apapun bentuknya, tidak boleh,” tegasnya.
Ia juga meminta agar TNI dan Polri yang bertugas untuk tidak lagi mengintimidasi seluruh aktivis Papua. “Jangan lagi menekan rakyat Papua Barat dan aktivis pergerakan, mari kita sama-sama mendukung jalannya proses demokrasi seperti yang diatur oleh PBB sesuai mekanisme internasional,” tandasnya.

Sebagai anggota PBB, OPM mengharapkan Indonesia harus menghormati mekanisme yang sementara dibangun dan tidak membuat gerakan tambahan. “Nah ini yang harus diperhatikan, mari kita dukung proses demokrasi ini dengan baik,” katanya lagi.

Rencana pelaksanaan kongres Papua III di Jayapura, akan digelar dari 16 hingga 19 Okotober 2011 mendatang. Kongres tersebut bakal didukung Presidium Dewan Papua, Yepena (Youth Papua National Authority), West Papua National for Leader Nation, dan Bintang 14 Melanesia Barat. 

Tema kongres tersebut adalah ‘Mari Kita Menegakkan Hak-hak Dasar Orang Asli Papua di Masa Kini dan Masa Depan’. Kongres Papua III sebagai lanjutan dari Kongres Papua II tahun 2000 yang juga membahas aspirasi murni dan hak-hak dasar orang asli Papua. 

Rencananya kongres tersebut akan mengundang Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sebagai keynote speaker. Agenda kongres antara lain membicarakan soal kesejahteraan, hak masyarakat Papua, dan penataan Papua ke depan.  

Dikatakan Pekikir, Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) International Lawyer for West Papua di London, Inggris, dengan tema West Papua: the Road to Freedom, digelar oleh dua lembaga solidaritas Papua – Free West Papua Campaign dan International Lawyers for West Papua. 
Konferensi tersebut membahas proses integrasi tahun 1969 yang bermasalah secara hukum dan politik. “Semua sudah diputuskan disana, putusannya antara lain menyiapkan jalan bagi kemerdekaan, jadi tidak ada lagi kongres atau dialog,” katanya. 

Tekat panitia penyelenggara Kongres III Rakyat Papuya untuk menggelar Kongres pada pertengahan Oktober 2011, tampaknya tidak dapat ditawar-tawar lagi. 

Hal itu sebagaimana ditegaskan Selpius Bobii selaku ketua panitia saat menggelar jumpa pers di Asrma Yunas Harapan, Jumat (16/9). “Ada atau tidak ada tempat, agenda tetap jalan. Tidak bisa ditunda lagi,” tegasnya. 

Dikatakan,  Tim 7 yang dipimpinnya dalam waktu dekat segera berangkat ke Jakarta untuk menemui Presiden Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono. “Tim 7 akan menemui Presiden Republik Indonesia di Jakarta guna menyampaikan pemberitahuan resmi dan undangan kepada Bapak presiden RI agar dapat memberikan ruang demokrasi kepada Rakyat Papua untuk menyelenggarakan pesta demokrasi Rakyat papua tertinggi dan sekaligus mmebuka secara resmi KRP III,” ungkapnya lagi. 

Konggres yang digelarnya dengan focus pada penegakan hak-hak dasar orang asli Papua di masa kini dan masa mendatang, menurutnya bukan tidak mungkin ada pihak yang mendukung maupun pihak-pihak yang tidak suka  atau tidak mendukung. Sehingga ia menghimbau kepada seluruh komponen masyarakat di Papua untuk tidak mudah terprofokasi terhadap issu-issu yang diluar koordinasi dengan pihak panitia pelaksana kongres.

Kongres yang menurutnya juga bertujuan untuk menguatkan apa yang menjadi agenda Jaringan Damai Papua (JDP) yakni mendorong terlaksananya dialog Papua-Jakarta. 

“Kami juga menghimbau kepada seluruh Rakyat Papua untuk melaksanakan doa dan puasa kepada Tuhan Allah Yang Maha Kuasa,” himbaunya. 

Dalam hal tersebut, menurutnya doa dan puasa dilaksanakan selama dua minggu pada Bulan Oktober 2011. Selain itu juga menghimbau untuk penciptaan suasana hening selama dua mingu di akhir Bulan Juni 2011. “Doa dan puasa ini bertujuan untuk mengosongkan segala pikiran jahat yang ingin membuat situasi dan kondisi yang tidak kondusif di seluruh Tanah papua dan merekonsiliasi diri,” jelasnya. 

Disinggung tentang upayanya meminta pihak DPRP untuk memfasilitasi pertemuan dengan presiden, dikatakan bahwa pihak panitia telah memasukkan surat ke DPRP. “ Mudah-mudahan dalam satu atau dua minggu ini bisa mendapat jawaban dari DPRP,” jelasnya.(aj/jer/don/l03)

Posted via email from West Papua Merdeka Posterous

OPM Larang Keras Pelaksanaan Kongres Papua III

PMNews, Sabtu, 17 September 2011 23:25

Selpius : Apapun Terjadi Kongres Jalan

JAYAPURA – Organisasi Papua Merdeka kembali melarang keras seluruh bentuk dialog, kongres maupun musyawarah besar yang melibatkan rakyat Papua dalam membicarakan persoalan di bumi cenderawasih. OPM berpendapat, kemerdekaan bangsa Papua diperkirakan akan terjadi diakhir tahun 2011 atau pertengahan 2012 mendatang. “OPM memprediksikan kemerdekaan akan terjadi tidak lama lagi, jadi semua mohon bersabar dan tenang,” kata Lambert Pekikir, Koordinator Umum OPM di Jayapura, Kamis (15/9) malam. Ia mengatakan, kemerdekaan bangsa Papua Barat telah diatur oleh mekanisme internasional sesuai dengan keputusan sidang tanggal 2 Agustus 2011 di London, Inggris. “Semua berkas keputusan tanggal 2 Agustus juga sudah diserahkan pada Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono secara resmi oleh badan hukum internasional untuk Papua, ILWP,” ujarnya.

International Lawyer for West Papua (ILWP) kata dia, dibackup oleh 50 ahli hukum dunia. “Proses ini bahkan telah ditangani langsung oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), ini sesuai dengan pernyataan dari Sekjen PBB pada tanggal tujuh di New Zealand,” katanya.

Oleh sebab itu lanjutnya, Markas besar OPM/TPN memerintahkan pada seluruh pertahanan komando sesuai dengan instruksi dari kantor pusat OPM, agar tidak boleh melakukan aksi penembakan, aksi brutal, aksi sabotase dan tindakan dalam bentuk apapun. “Yang kedua, kepada seluruh elemen pergerakan di tanah Papua, untuk tidak boleh melakukan keputusan-keputusan apapun lewat forum-forum, semua sabar, menanti, menunggu apa yang akan diambil oleh PBB, itu termasuk kongres Papua tiga, KTT dan apapun bentuknya, tidak boleh,” tegasnya.
Ia juga meminta agar TNI dan Polri yang bertugas untuk tidak lagi mengintimidasi seluruh aktivis Papua. “Jangan lagi menekan rakyat Papua Barat dan aktivis pergerakan, mari kita sama-sama mendukung jalannya proses demokrasi seperti yang diatur oleh PBB sesuai mekanisme internasional,” tandasnya.

Sebagai anggota PBB, OPM mengharapkan Indonesia harus menghormati mekanisme yang sementara dibangun dan tidak membuat gerakan tambahan. “Nah ini yang harus diperhatikan, mari kita dukung proses demokrasi ini dengan baik,” katanya lagi.

Rencana pelaksanaan kongres Papua III di Jayapura, akan digelar dari 16 hingga 19 Okotober 2011 mendatang. Kongres tersebut bakal didukung Presidium Dewan Papua, Yepena (Youth Papua National Authority), West Papua National for Leader Nation, dan Bintang 14 Melanesia Barat. 

Tema kongres tersebut adalah ‘Mari Kita Menegakkan Hak-hak Dasar Orang Asli Papua di Masa Kini dan Masa Depan’. Kongres Papua III sebagai lanjutan dari Kongres Papua II tahun 2000 yang juga membahas aspirasi murni dan hak-hak dasar orang asli Papua. 

Rencananya kongres tersebut akan mengundang Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sebagai keynote speaker. Agenda kongres antara lain membicarakan soal kesejahteraan, hak masyarakat Papua, dan penataan Papua ke depan.  

Dikatakan Pekikir, Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) International Lawyer for West Papua di London, Inggris, dengan tema West Papua: the Road to Freedom, digelar oleh dua lembaga solidaritas Papua – Free West Papua Campaign dan International Lawyers for West Papua. 
Konferensi tersebut membahas proses integrasi tahun 1969 yang bermasalah secara hukum dan politik. “Semua sudah diputuskan disana, putusannya antara lain menyiapkan jalan bagi kemerdekaan, jadi tidak ada lagi kongres atau dialog,” katanya. 

Tekat panitia penyelenggara Kongres III Rakyat Papuya untuk menggelar Kongres pada pertengahan Oktober 2011, tampaknya tidak dapat ditawar-tawar lagi. 

Hal itu sebagaimana ditegaskan Selpius Bobii selaku ketua panitia saat menggelar jumpa pers di Asrma Yunas Harapan, Jumat (16/9). “Ada atau tidak ada tempat, agenda tetap jalan. Tidak bisa ditunda lagi,” tegasnya. 

Dikatakan,  Tim 7 yang dipimpinnya dalam waktu dekat segera berangkat ke Jakarta untuk menemui Presiden Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono. “Tim 7 akan menemui Presiden Republik Indonesia di Jakarta guna menyampaikan pemberitahuan resmi dan undangan kepada Bapak presiden RI agar dapat memberikan ruang demokrasi kepada Rakyat Papua untuk menyelenggarakan pesta demokrasi Rakyat papua tertinggi dan sekaligus mmebuka secara resmi KRP III,” ungkapnya lagi. 

Konggres yang digelarnya dengan focus pada penegakan hak-hak dasar orang asli Papua di masa kini dan masa mendatang, menurutnya bukan tidak mungkin ada pihak yang mendukung maupun pihak-pihak yang tidak suka  atau tidak mendukung. Sehingga ia menghimbau kepada seluruh komponen masyarakat di Papua untuk tidak mudah terprofokasi terhadap issu-issu yang diluar koordinasi dengan pihak panitia pelaksana kongres.

Kongres yang menurutnya juga bertujuan untuk menguatkan apa yang menjadi agenda Jaringan Damai Papua (JDP) yakni mendorong terlaksananya dialog Papua-Jakarta. 

“Kami juga menghimbau kepada seluruh Rakyat Papua untuk melaksanakan doa dan puasa kepada Tuhan Allah Yang Maha Kuasa,” himbaunya. 

Dalam hal tersebut, menurutnya doa dan puasa dilaksanakan selama dua minggu pada Bulan Oktober 2011. Selain itu juga menghimbau untuk penciptaan suasana hening selama dua mingu di akhir Bulan Juni 2011. “Doa dan puasa ini bertujuan untuk mengosongkan segala pikiran jahat yang ingin membuat situasi dan kondisi yang tidak kondusif di seluruh Tanah papua dan merekonsiliasi diri,” jelasnya. 

Disinggung tentang upayanya meminta pihak DPRP untuk memfasilitasi pertemuan dengan presiden, dikatakan bahwa pihak panitia telah memasukkan surat ke DPRP. “ Mudah-mudahan dalam satu atau dua minggu ini bisa mendapat jawaban dari DPRP,” jelasnya.(aj/jer/don/l03)

Posted via email from Papua Merdeka Podcast

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Aparat Keamanan Diminta Hentikan Pembohongan Publik

JUBI --- "Aparat keamanan katakan tidak ada penyiksaan dan penganiayaan. Aparat keamanan mengatakan memberikan mereka makan. Mendapat pelayanan yang baik. Tetapi, saya melihat dari laporan itu bahwa semua yang dikatakan oleh aparat keamanan di media masa adalah pembohongan besar dan kejahatan aparat Negara di media." demikian pernyataan Persekutuan Gereja-gereja Baptis Papua (PGBP) melalui siaran pers yang diterima redaksi, Kamis (08/09) malam.

Siaran pers ini dimaksudkan untuk menanggapi pernyataan Kapolresta Jayapura, Imam Setiawan, disalah satu media lokal (08/09/2011) yang menyatakan:  "Saat mereka diamankan, kami tidak melakukan pemukulan. Kami hanya mengamankan mereka untuk membantu proses penyelidikan.Mereka tidak diamankan tidak lebih satu hari dan selama berada di Mapolres mereka diperlakukan dengan baik dan diberi makan.Jadi kalau ada yang menuduh aparat melakukan pemukulan, diberitahu siapa oknum anggota."

Dalam pandangan PGBP, fakta dari peristiwa penangkapan pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2011, jam 05.00 pagi oleh aparat gabungan TNI dan POLRI yang melakukan penyergapan dan penangkapan terhadap penduduk sipil yang berada di Kotaraja Gunung sangat memilukan hati dan banyak bukti penyiksaan yang tidak manusiawi.

Kapolresta juga diminta untuk tidak berdalih dengan menyebutkan "oknum", karena yang terjadi adalah kekerasan dan kejahatan aparat Negara terhadap penduduk sipil di Papua. Aparat kepolisian jangan berani menangkap rakyat kecil tapi tidak berani menyentuh wilayah Orang Tak di Kenal (OTK). Peristiwa seperti ini sangat memalukan aparat keamanan TNI dan POLRI karena berperang melawan rakyatnya sendiri. Berperang melawan penduduk sipil dengan stigma-stigma dan melakukan pembohongan publik.

Socratez Yoman, Ketua PGBP dalam siaran pers tersebut kembali meminta Aparat kepolisian segera membongkar dan menangkap dalang kasus yang sebenarnya. Aparat kepolisian jangan meng-kambing-hitamkan rakyat sipil. (J/01)

Posted via email from Papua Posts

Managing The Conflict in Papua

Dear Readers,

Like the General Petraeus said, “ There’s all sort of stuff going on, The cowboys are straining to keep up, to restore control and that’s the most important quality that our troopers need going into asymmetric combat situations; they’ve got to be comfortable in the chaos.”

This is the trend of the global strategy. Something that every country must deal with it, in order to keep up and gain control to adapted (more likely to be than comforted) in the chaos. As we all aware, Papua as a part of the unitary of the Republic of Indonesia since 1962, have fought years for being remained in Indonesia or repeat the act of free choice (referendum) in order of self-determination as independent nation. Obviously, the government of Indonesia wouldn’t very much enjoy on the term of referendum since the traumatic event on East Timor. But domestically, the government has be up against the pro independence movements and the separatist as its supporters. Nowadays, those movements have become larger as the international community start to take notice on what happen in Papua.

What Happen?

The changes of global situations which follow by the issues of the human rights, global environment and law enforcement have changed the face of the world, it became the world in order, which West and its allies have became the world domination. But that won’t last for long, since the collapse of the west economic in 2008, an exhausting war on terror, the pursuit of World’s oil resources that lead them sink in their own greed and the Middle-East has start to leave them. The current situations have mentioned that the west economic union is unraveling, London is in blaze because of social gap and its own vanity, Germany and France as the two strongest in the Euro zone don’t yet have the stomach to commit to saving the common currency and the continental’s once dependable trading partner the “Uncle Sam” is too feeble to save the day or the euro since the Obama administration has asked to downgrade the US debt by standard & Poor’s. According to the situations, the west and its allies has started a new strategy by implement the asymmetric global war strategy in order to regain their domination after those shortfall. Meanwhile, the third world has started to gain its own development. Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) have started to take the lead in global economy and soon will become “the new world domination”.

Furthermore, Indonesia as the world new economy, start to savor its economic advancement in global free market. Indonesian production competitiveness in the world trading has become increase in quality and price. This is in line with the step-up of the public consumption. The World Bank noted that Indonesia’s economic growth has reached 6,5% per year and might be increase in the next term. This economic growth has even bigger than the Russia as BRIC countries which only 4% per year. On the other hand, Papua as one of the richest territory in Indonesia which has contribute to the economic growth with its abundance natural resources, has become a target by the west union as one of the “imminent resources” while the middle-east has no longer benefit to the west. The US has started to realize this earlier since 1960s-1970s and so its colleagues in the region Australia. Historically, Australia was one of the countries that supported the Dutch for giving the Papuan independence. It has become obvious, since Australia pre-assumed that Indonesia is the “forthcoming threat” to its national interest, and the perimeter is going to be Papua.

Managing the Conflict in Papua

For so long, Australian has been trying to manage the Oceania under its controlled to secure the west interest in the region. The Australian’s effort has supported by the United States Pacific Command (US PACOM) in Hawaii to make sure the geo-strategy in the region will be on track. But the world has changed recently, the “old” west seems no longer dominate the region caused by its lack on economy, so that’s why they’ve started with a new pack of strategy by using “new soldier” which comfortable with the trend issues of the world. Since then, the “new soldier” has spread all over the world with the cover of NGOs, Human Rights personals and associations, democracy activists, environment activists, workers, artists, missionaries and many others. They have brought each of their national interest to the target countries all over the world. Nowadays, it seems they’ve become “the spearhead” of the West countries and its allies to implement their global strategy. In Papua, those foreigners have snatched and scrambled Papua to their own national interest. They have played outside their own territory even region to taste and even dominate Papua natural resources in order to secure their countries from more damage. According to the wikiLeaks, Australian has sent more than 6000 intelligence-trained civilians since 1970s to Papua and Indonesia as missionaries, activists, journalists and many other professions for a primary task to monitor, sponsor, doctrine and recruit local activist against the government of Indonesia. This is the clandestine operation that has arranged systematically for years. According to that, I believe, by supporting the separatist and pro independence movements, they have deliberated to manage the conflict in order to keep their interest secure in Indonesia especially Papua. For instance, Freeport Mc Moran company have been operated in Papua since 1974, in that period, the company had been maintained the separatist by funding them with proper budget. Why? They’ve realized that the government of Indonesia has discover the unbalanced of the mine’s profit. And the possibility the Government of Indonesia to call off the contract or even worse to nationalize the mine and all the US companies in Indonesia. By funding the separatist properly, the separatist in Papua were kept to remain small force and so the pro independence movements. They can live but remain minor in order to easily controlled. At this term, the company (US) has a bargaining position to Indonesia, by managing the conflict they can assure the profit will benefit the country and keep the Indonesian steady, otherwise they could revoke they endorsement to Indonesia and with its power, bring the issue of Papua to the international community.

In overseas, those “new soldier” also featured their role in supporting the pro independence activist by uplifting the issue of human right violation. As the conference held in Oxford, England few weeks before, the pro independence activist Benny Wenda and friends were helped by the international activists such as an Australian lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, a British Doctor of Philosophy, John Saltford and Lecturer in Oxford University, Charles Foster that also the co founder of International Lawyers For West Papua (ILWP). They have appointed the Papua matters on human rights violation and invalid of Papuan Self- Determination in 1969 even though it has been decided by the UN resolution under the UN assembly number 2504. By blurring the facts and covering up with deceit and deception they have confidently convinced Benny Wenda and friends to become their puppet by luring them with freedom or more budget of their action. I believe, Benny itself has difficult position since he was arrived in Britain as asylum seeker, he has no status as a permanent citizens in Britain and no longer admit as Indonesia. The uncertain status of Benny has become bargaining by the international activists “to employ” him in addressing the messages. This low behavior not to different with how the Australian has been done to Aborigin for years. They lured them with money, housing, and a few square field each, but keep remain them illiterate, uneducated and unbreed/barren. This is how the west did and still do and will be in the future as their long term strategy, if you can’t outrun them, then outsmart them.

Distinguished Readers,

I would say that this situation must be response wisely and carefully since we’ve realized this conspiracy have been largely involve well-known countries that once dominated the world since years ago. In doing so, Indonesia should forward oncoming persuasive with combined match with comprehensive internal security by way of early detection and early prevention. Since we realized that Papua has become one of the international’s objects of natural resources, we need to deal with this problem properly without damaging relationship with the international community.

At last but not least, it might be inferiority wishful to the west and those “new soldier” that has been created, let the Papuan resolve their own problems within Indonesia without interfering from other countries especially the west and its allies. And try to learn to launch a good relationship bilaterally or multilaterally based on mutual trust and respect. It might be changed the way we think about the west all this time.

Rafli Hasan


Posted via email from West Papua Merdeka Posterous

Managing The Conflict in Papua

Dear Readers,

Like the General Petraeus said, “ There’s all sort of stuff going on, The cowboys are straining to keep up, to restore control and that’s the most important quality that our troopers need going into asymmetric combat situations; they’ve got to be comfortable in the chaos.”

This is the trend of the global strategy. Something that every country must deal with it, in order to keep up and gain control to adapted (more likely to be than comforted) in the chaos. As we all aware, Papua as a part of the unitary of the Republic of Indonesia since 1962, have fought years for being remained in Indonesia or repeat the act of free choice (referendum) in order of self-determination as independent nation. Obviously, the government of Indonesia wouldn’t very much enjoy on the term of referendum since the traumatic event on East Timor. But domestically, the government has be up against the pro independence movements and the separatist as its supporters. Nowadays, those movements have become larger as the international community start to take notice on what happen in Papua.

What Happen?

The changes of global situations which follow by the issues of the human rights, global environment and law enforcement have changed the face of the world, it became the world in order, which West and its allies have became the world domination. But that won’t last for long, since the collapse of the west economic in 2008, an exhausting war on terror, the pursuit of World’s oil resources that lead them sink in their own greed and the Middle-East has start to leave them. The current situations have mentioned that the west economic union is unraveling, London is in blaze because of social gap and its own vanity, Germany and France as the two strongest in the Euro zone don’t yet have the stomach to commit to saving the common currency and the continental’s once dependable trading partner the “Uncle Sam” is too feeble to save the day or the euro since the Obama administration has asked to downgrade the US debt by standard & Poor’s. According to the situations, the west and its allies has started a new strategy by implement the asymmetric global war strategy in order to regain their domination after those shortfall. Meanwhile, the third world has started to gain its own development. Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) have started to take the lead in global economy and soon will become “the new world domination”.

Furthermore, Indonesia as the world new economy, start to savor its economic advancement in global free market. Indonesian production competitiveness in the world trading has become increase in quality and price. This is in line with the step-up of the public consumption. The World Bank noted that Indonesia’s economic growth has reached 6,5% per year and might be increase in the next term. This economic growth has even bigger than the Russia as BRIC countries which only 4% per year. On the other hand, Papua as one of the richest territory in Indonesia which has contribute to the economic growth with its abundance natural resources, has become a target by the west union as one of the “imminent resources” while the middle-east has no longer benefit to the west. The US has started to realize this earlier since 1960s-1970s and so its colleagues in the region Australia. Historically, Australia was one of the countries that supported the Dutch for giving the Papuan independence. It has become obvious, since Australia pre-assumed that Indonesia is the “forthcoming threat” to its national interest, and the perimeter is going to be Papua.

Managing the Conflict in Papua

For so long, Australian has been trying to manage the Oceania under its controlled to secure the west interest in the region. The Australian’s effort has supported by the United States Pacific Command (US PACOM) in Hawaii to make sure the geo-strategy in the region will be on track. But the world has changed recently, the “old” west seems no longer dominate the region caused by its lack on economy, so that’s why they’ve started with a new pack of strategy by using “new soldier” which comfortable with the trend issues of the world. Since then, the “new soldier” has spread all over the world with the cover of NGOs, Human Rights personals and associations, democracy activists, environment activists, workers, artists, missionaries and many others. They have brought each of their national interest to the target countries all over the world. Nowadays, it seems they’ve become “the spearhead” of the West countries and its allies to implement their global strategy. In Papua, those foreigners have snatched and scrambled Papua to their own national interest. They have played outside their own territory even region to taste and even dominate Papua natural resources in order to secure their countries from more damage. According to the wikiLeaks, Australian has sent more than 6000 intelligence-trained civilians since 1970s to Papua and Indonesia as missionaries, activists, journalists and many other professions for a primary task to monitor, sponsor, doctrine and recruit local activist against the government of Indonesia. This is the clandestine operation that has arranged systematically for years. According to that, I believe, by supporting the separatist and pro independence movements, they have deliberated to manage the conflict in order to keep their interest secure in Indonesia especially Papua. For instance, Freeport Mc Moran company have been operated in Papua since 1974, in that period, the company had been maintained the separatist by funding them with proper budget. Why? They’ve realized that the government of Indonesia has discover the unbalanced of the mine’s profit. And the possibility the Government of Indonesia to call off the contract or even worse to nationalize the mine and all the US companies in Indonesia. By funding the separatist properly, the separatist in Papua were kept to remain small force and so the pro independence movements. They can live but remain minor in order to easily controlled. At this term, the company (US) has a bargaining position to Indonesia, by managing the conflict they can assure the profit will benefit the country and keep the Indonesian steady, otherwise they could revoke they endorsement to Indonesia and with its power, bring the issue of Papua to the international community.

In overseas, those “new soldier” also featured their role in supporting the pro independence activist by uplifting the issue of human right violation. As the conference held in Oxford, England few weeks before, the pro independence activist Benny Wenda and friends were helped by the international activists such as an Australian lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, a British Doctor of Philosophy, John Saltford and Lecturer in Oxford University, Charles Foster that also the co founder of International Lawyers For West Papua (ILWP). They have appointed the Papua matters on human rights violation and invalid of Papuan Self- Determination in 1969 even though it has been decided by the UN resolution under the UN assembly number 2504. By blurring the facts and covering up with deceit and deception they have confidently convinced Benny Wenda and friends to become their puppet by luring them with freedom or more budget of their action. I believe, Benny itself has difficult position since he was arrived in Britain as asylum seeker, he has no status as a permanent citizens in Britain and no longer admit as Indonesia. The uncertain status of Benny has become bargaining by the international activists “to employ” him in addressing the messages. This low behavior not to different with how the Australian has been done to Aborigin for years. They lured them with money, housing, and a few square field each, but keep remain them illiterate, uneducated and unbreed/barren. This is how the west did and still do and will be in the future as their long term strategy, if you can’t outrun them, then outsmart them.

Distinguished Readers,

I would say that this situation must be response wisely and carefully since we’ve realized this conspiracy have been largely involve well-known countries that once dominated the world since years ago. In doing so, Indonesia should forward oncoming persuasive with combined match with comprehensive internal security by way of early detection and early prevention. Since we realized that Papua has become one of the international’s objects of natural resources, we need to deal with this problem properly without damaging relationship with the international community.

At last but not least, it might be inferiority wishful to the west and those “new soldier” that has been created, let the Papuan resolve their own problems within Indonesia without interfering from other countries especially the west and its allies. And try to learn to launch a good relationship bilaterally or multilaterally based on mutual trust and respect. It might be changed the way we think about the west all this time.

Rafli Hasan


Posted via email from West Papua Merdeka Posterous

Sharp tensions in Indonesian Papua following failure of “peace conference”

By John Roberts


A report by the Brussels-based think tank, the International Crisis Group (ICG), has shed some light on the sharp ongoing tensions within the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua. The Indonesian armed forces, which have a heavy presence to suppress political opposition and separatist Free Papua Movement (OPM) guerrillas, maintain a tight control over the media.


The August 22 report entitled “Indonesia: Hope and Hard Reality in Papua” focussed on the events surrounding a so-called peace conference held in Abepura near the Papuan capital of Jayapura on July 5-7. Organised by the Papua Peace Network, it was attended by some 800 delegates, with twice the number of Melanesian Papuans than expected by organisers. Jakarta was represented by a high-level delegation led by the co-ordinating minister for political and security affairs, Djoko Suyanto, who is one of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s top ministers.


According to the ICG, the organisers aimed to use the conference to facilitate dialogue with the Indonesian government, “in a way that some thought might keep the “M” word—merdeka (independence) at bay.” Indonesian officials offered informal “constructive communication,” but matters quickly got out of hand. Various Papuan representatives called for formal dialogue with an international mediator—along the lines of talks held in Aceh with the separatist GAM (Free Aceh Movement) leadership that, in the wake of the devastating 2004 tsunami, led to an autonomy settlement. “Instead of building bridges, the conference underscored the depth of the gulf in perceptions between Jakarta-based officials and Papuan civil society about the nature of the conflict,” the report stated.


At this stage, Yudhoyono, who as coordinating security minister under President Megawati Sukarnoputri launched a military offensive against GAM in 2002, has expressed no interest in formal peace negotiations. As the ICG noted, no action has been taken on a proposal to set up a “Unit for the Acceleration of Development in Papua and West Papua” to establish “quick win” development projects. The two provinces are among the most economically backward and impoverished in Indonesia, despite having significant natural resources, including the massive Freeport gold and copper mine.


The lack of any agreement at the conference between Jakarta and various Papuan organisations was quickly underscored by a spate of violence and protest rallies in the provincial capital Jayapura and other towns on August 2, demanding a referendum on independence for the Papuan provinces. The demonstrations were organised by the West Papua National Committee, which had refused to take part in the Abepura meeting.


According to the international media, more than 10,000 people participated in the rallies in Papua, with the largest in Jayapura. The West Papua Advocacy Team reported a heavy police presence at the rallies, with members of the army’s notorious Kopassus special forces in plain clothes and thugs from two Jakarta-backed militias among the crowds in Jayapura.


On the day before the protests, three civilians and a soldier were killed and nine wounded in a night-time attack in the village of Nafri, near Jayapura. The three civilians were so-called transmigrants from non-Melanesian parts of Indonesia. Local OPM leader Lambert Pekikir denied any involvement and accused the military of staging a provocation. Whether that was the case or not, the army has in the past exploited such incidents to justify repression.


The previous day, 19 people were killed in clashes between rival Papuan groups in the central highlands area of Puncak Jaya. According to police, the conflict erupted over competing candidates in an election for district chief scheduled for November 9. Central Highlands Papuan Student Association general secretary Markus Haluk accused the police of exacerbating the violence by firing into the crowd and killing three people.


The Puncak Jaya district is one of the poorest districts in the Papuan provinces—along with five others it is categorised by the Home Affairs Ministry as “failed.” There is no road from Jayapura to the district capital of Mulia. The ICG report paints a picture of endemic corruption and a lack of administration and basic services. The district is one of the strongholds of the OPM, which carries out sporadic ambushes of soldiers. According to estimates cited by the ICG, the combined strength of all OPM factions in the district is about 200 fighters armed with some 30 guns.


The heavily-armed military, with an estimated 15,000 personnel in Papua, maintains a reign of terror against the local population. “The pattern of OPM ambushes followed by counter-insurgency operations by police, military or joint forces has taken its toll on the population,” the IGC report states, “in the form of frequent ‘sweepings’ (searches for perpetrators) and serious human rights violations, deepening local resentment. Gratuitous abuse is more common than the security forces will admit and it goes largely unpunished.”


Last year, a video posted on YouTube, showing the torture of two men from the district by Indonesian soldiers, created a furore (see: “Indonesian government dismisses evidence of torture in Papua”). The men had knives held to their throats and lighted cigarettes applied to their genitals. The soldiers were eventually convicted, but received what amounted to a slap on the wrist—prison terms of between eight to ten months with time off for time served.


Articles in the Australian-based Age newspaper last month, based on leaked Kopassus documents from 2006 to 2009, revealed massive spying and surveillance operations in Papua not only against anyone suspected of harbouring separatist sentiments but those critical of the heavy-handed rule of the army in the provinces.


The army, which is routinely accused of running illegal logging, protection and other rackets in Papua, clearly has its own agenda. As the Age explained, Kopassus sought to discredit the institutions and arrangements established under the special autonomy deal given to the province in 2001. The limited powers given to Papuans would undermine the military’s own authority in the region.


Shortly after last month’s rallies, the military announced another crackdown. Speaking on August 4, army chief General Pramono Edhie Wibowo promised that the OPM rebels would be “chased down” and “cleaned up” by local military units. He was responding to an incident that allegedly involved OPM fighters firing on an army helicopter the previous day.


The involvement of top-level government ministers and officials in the so-called peace conference in Papua was no doubt with a view to giving a “democratic” face-lift to the Yudhoyono administration before the visit of US President Barack Obama in November.


Obama, however, has already strengthened ties with Indonesia and will continue to do so regardless of the government’s anti-democratic practices—as part of Washington’s broader efforts to undermine Chinese influence in South East Asia. Last year, the Obama administration ended a decade-long ban on US military contact with the Kopassus special forces, which are central to the ongoing repression in Papua.

Posted via email from West Papua Merdeka Posterous

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