- The Papuan Languages of New Guinea
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Amazon Gifts - Papua Indonesia
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Christian Human-Rights Group Calls for ‘Dialogue’ on ‘Papua Question‘ in Indonesia
Christian Human-Rights Group Calls for ‘Dialogue’ on ‘Papua Question‘ in Indonesia
Posted on 25. Jun, 2010 by Dan Wooding in Christian news
UK-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) is calling for the establishment of a “locally-led, internationally-mediated dialogue process” to address what it calls “grave political, social, humanitarian and human rights concerns in West Papua, Indonesia.”
Earlier this week CSW completed a fact-finding visit to Indonesia, which included four days in West Papua.
“The team heard repeated calls for dialogue from a variety of Papuan organizations,” a spokesperson told the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.com). “CSW also heard evidence of human rights abuses and serious humanitarian challenges, including concerns over poor health care and education provision, the spread of HIV/AIDS, environmental degradation, militarization and demographic changes.”
Migration from other parts of Indonesia has had a major impact on Papuan society, and experts fear that Papuans could become a marginalized minority in the near future. Key jobs and business opportunities appear to be taken by migrants, while Papuans face discrimination. Pressure is growing in Papua itself for a solution, as Papuans increasingly feel frustrated with the current situation.
Indonesia took control of West Papua from the Netherlands in 1962, without the consent of the Papuan people. In 1969, a sham consultation was conducted with handpicked Papuan delegates, and the ‘Act of Free Choice’ ratified Indonesian sovereignty.
In 2001, a new special autonomy arrangement was introduced, but today many Papuans believe the current arrangement has not delivered anything meaningful for their people. Last week, the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP) formally handed back the Special Autonomy status, and an estimated 10,000 people demonstrated in support of a new agreement for Papua.
CSW’s National Director Stuart Windsor said: “Our team met with a number of key individuals and organizations in West Papua, and the message they received was a resounding call for dialogue. It is clear that Papuans are becoming a minority in their own land. The potential for religious tensions to rise is also there, as the predominantly Christian Papuans feel discrimination from the largely Muslim migrants. The presence of Islamist groups in Papua remains a concern. Health, education and the environment are all further challenges that need solutions.
“The Papua question cannot be resolved by violence, and therefore dialogue must be the way forward. Indonesia acted with impressive responsibility in seeking a peaceful solution in Aceh, and CSW hopes the Indonesian government will take a similar approach to Papua. We encourage a home-grown process led by Indonesians and Papuans, but recommend the presence of international mediators.”
For further information or to arrange interviews please contact Kiri Kankhwende, Press Officer at Christian Solidarity Worldwide on + 44 (0) 20 8329 0045, e-mail kiri@csw.org.uk or visit www.csw.org.uk.
CSW is a human rights organization which specializes in religious freedom, works on behalf of those persecuted for their Christian beliefs and promotes religious liberty for all.
Dan Wooding, Assist News Service
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Media Lens Message Board: The US of A and Indonesia : Climate Change science to be a bridge to the military dictatorship
The US of A and Indonesia : Climate Change science to be a bridge to the military dictatorship
The US of A and Indonesia : Climate Change science to be a bridge to the military dictatorship
Posted by jo abbess on June 15, 2010, 10:49 pm
Richard Stone
Indonesia and the United States have just inked their first S&T agreement, which is now awaiting ratification by Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Two high-profile initiatives are in the works. In the coming weeks, the United States is expected to unveil an extensive education package, including university partnerships and dedicated funds for S&T collaboration; funding for the package could top $150 million. It will also tap Indonesia to host a regional center for climate change, one of the centers of excellence for the Muslim world that U.S. President Barack Obama promised to establish in a landmark speech in Cairo last year."
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Old Dynasties
In Papua there is an extraordinary principality called Arguni. Strong in some aspects of it's existance.
It's lying on the north part of the Bomberay peninsula.
Before it was an area,where the ruler was a representative of the once very powerfull and paramount power in a part of this peninsula: the raja of Rumbati.
Like Sekar, Wertuar and Patipi this area was ruled by clans, which delived rulers not with a raja title.
Later these areas became more and more powerfull themselves and could gain some amount of independence from Rumbati.
In ca. 1865 the ruler of Rumbati received the rajatitle from the paramount ruler in this area:the sultan of Tidore.
When the Dutch East-Indish Government really obtained the influence here at the end of the 19th century the raja of Arguni became more or less totally independent.
Sekar, Arguni and probably also Wertuar were later not ashamed to acknowledge the paramount position of Rumbati in the northern part of the Bomberay peninsula.
Nearly all of the 9 principalities in this peninsula had his own influence area outside his central area;mainly on the Bird's Head peninsula.
These influenced was reduced more and more.But strange enough only in the Arguni area this influence remained very strong.Only in 1928 a begin of a reduced influence was started (the 2 areas of Arguni then were in 2 seperate districts).
The raja of Arguni also was always known a a strong bringer of the islam religion in his influence area.
The Arguni area was known as the area of the excellent boatmakers. The Arguni boats (for business for instance) were always real bigger than the used boats in the other Bomberay principalities.
Also the pottery and the sagoproduction in Arguni is well-known in the area.
The raja dynasty has strong descent connections also with Ceram.
The businnes principalities of the Papua Bomberay peninsula were always strong in trading with the areas around them.
These activites remained strong later.The present rajas are nowadays also engaged in business, or/and are engaged in local politics.
Before Arguni was quite densely populated. Later the amount of population diminished a little.
Arguni is described in the modern time maybe not as the most richest principality in this area, but for sure one of the most remarquable principalities
ANSWER: Papuan/Irian Jayan History and Current Events | Radical Reference
I hope that my approach to this question is useful to you. I found an amazing article on Indonesian history and the areas of East Timor, Aceh, and Irian Jaya (known to independence activists as Papua or West Papua). My main objective in this answer is to give you relevant background information from the article and then direct you to good sources of current information. Among these are longer reports, one directly related to genocide in Papua. With more time, I will be able to put more information on what I feel are the relevant sections of that article.
History of Irian Jaya, ToC
Parts of Western Papua in precolonial times were subject to the Sultanate of Tidore. Dutch began to establish outposts in 1828, claiming western New Guinea for the Dutch East Indies. When Indonesia was released into Independence (1949), the Netherlands held on to Netherlands New Guinea. In the early 1960es Indonesia launched its Konfrontasi policy; in 1963 the Dutch withdrew and Netherlands New Guinea, renamed Irian Jaya, was annexed by Indonesia. In 2003 the province was split in two, Irian Jaya and West Irian Jaya. In 2007 the provinces were renamed, Papua and West Papua respectively.
Timeline : Irian Jaya
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
[Suara Papua Merdeka Blog] Tahanan Kabur Kanit Reskrim Polsek Bojonegoro Kota...
Tahanan Kabur Kanit Reskrim Polsek Bojonegoro Kota Diperiksa
BOJONEGORO--MI: Kepala Unit Reserse Kriminal (Kanit Reskrim) Kepolisian Sektor (Polsek) Bojonegoro Kota Inspektur Satu Suyitno diperiksa oleh Unit Provost Kepolisian Resor Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, Selasa (4/5).Pemeriksaan dilakukan terkait dengan kaburnya seorang tahanan bernama Tejo Pramono dari polsek setempat ketika tengah dipriksa. Tejo adalah tahanan tersangka penggelapan dan penipuan.Suyitno diperiksa oleh provost di Unit Pelayanan, Pengaduan, dan Penegakan Disiplin (P3D) Polres Bojonegoro. Menurut Kepala Unit P3D Polres Bojonegoro Inspektur Satu Sukardi, Suyitno diperiksa sebagai saksi. " Ya, sedang kita periksa intensif," tegasnya.Ia menjelaskan, pemeriksaan dilakukan karena Kanit Reskrim Polsek Bojonegoro Kota itu tidak memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat secara profesional hingga menyebabkan seorang tahanan melarikan diri. "Saat ini kami masih melakukan penyidikan dan kita akan lihat perkembangannya nanti," ujarnya, ketika ditanya tindakan yang akan dilakukan.Berdasarkan informasi, Tejo kabur karena tidak dimasukkan ke ruang tahanan dan dibiarkan bebas berkeliaran. Akhirnya pada Sabtu (1/5) Tejo melarikan diri.Berdasarkan data yang berhasil di himpun Media Indonesia, peristiwa bermula saat Tejo Pramono, warga Dukuh Sambikerep, Desa Bulaklo, Kecamatan Balen, Bojonegoro, pada 30 November 2009 mendatanggi rumah Mochamad Ali, warga Jalan Serma Maun, Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Bojonegoro Kota, untuk meminjam uang tunai Rp25 juta.Kepada Ali, Tejo diberi jaminan mobil Toyota Kijang bernomor polisi S 1180 AA beserta surat tanda nomor kendaraan (STNK) dengan jangka pinjaman selama satu bulan. Namun, setelah lebih dari empat bulan, kendaraan tidak juga ditebus, sehingga Ali mengadaikan mobil tersebut kepada Sugianto, warga Margomulyo, Kecamatan Balen, senilai Rp31,5 juta.Sebelum sempat ditebus oleh Ali, mobil tersebut kemudian disita oleh sebuah lembaga penjamin keuangan karena masih dalam proses kredit. Karena merasa ditipu, akhirnya Sugianto melaporkan Ali ke polsek Bojonegoro Kota. Setelah dilakukan perundingan, disepakati Ali menyetujui pengembalian uang senilai Rp31,5 juta kepada Sugianto hingga persoalan dianggap selesai.Selanjutnya, giliran Ali yang melaporkan Tejo atas dasar penipuan dan pengelapan hingga yang bersangkutanpun ditahan di kantor polsek setempat. Namun, karena Tejo tidak dijebloskan ke ruang tahanan, ia berhasil melarikan diri. (YK/OL-01)